Women Against Feminism, Gynocentrism and Why I am an anti-feminist!

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Women Against Feminism feels like a tiny light at the end of a really dark tunnel to me and I want to say why that is. The thing is I am agnostic, but I am traditional. I have never been a feminist, I have always viewed feminism as strange. Even before I fully explored the feminist’s and anti-feminist’s movements feminism never sat well with me.

I initially tried joining the anti feminist groups on facebook, but they were all saturated with MRAs and just like the feminists they mostly viewed traditionalism as anti-equality (and therefore bad!). They even had a word to describe societal structures like this.. where feminists called this way of life patriarchal, they called it gynocentric. I have to admit it stings more the male criticism, but I suppose this is how males must feel when they hear the term “patriarchy”. MRAs seemed to see traditional women as gynocentric users of our poor hard-working husbands, while feminists see us as submissive idiots who are too dumb to seek our own interest.

Now like I said I am not religious, so it is not like I could find acceptance within a religious setting. I’m agnostic, I have no church or belief. My traditionalism comes from the idea that this lifestyle makes me happy. I have always wanted children and now that I have children (2 and I am currently pregnant again) I am very happy that I choose a husband who is happy to financially support me. I know that I would have resented working full-time and never seeing my children. I know that this was the right choice for me and hope that it was the right choice for him. The only problem is that society in general seems to view this choice as much less valuable than the choice to work.

No one can speak about this idea outside of the church, we are not free to question why so much importance is placed on this idea of independence and financially contributing. Women against feminism is the first place that I have actually heard people talk about this. It’s amazing to find out that I am not the only person who thinks this way, it’s amazing to discover that other people also value staying at home with their kids. It is amazing to imagine that not everyone sees it as a complete waste of time. And that brings me to…


Mostly the MRHM has embraced WAF and that is both surprising and wonderful at the same time. There are however corners of the MRHM who are advising men to be cautious, who are asking if we are all right-winged women, who see the underlying traditional thinking in some of the photos and call us on our gynocentrism. To them I want to say yes as far as I can see (not just from the signs but also from connecting to and talking to many of the women behind the signs) a lot of us are gynocentric. BUT gynocentrism under the banner of traditionalism does NOT mean that we do not care about men.

Understand that being traditional means that we are comfortable with the idea that the sexes depend on each other. We dont see males and females are completely separate beings, what affects men affects our husbands and so it affects us. We also reproduce, we have sons, we care about our sons, we fear what they world is going to do to our son’s. Being traditional does not mean that we don’t care about Men’s Rights. Our motives are selfish in that the death of feminism benefits us as women, but men having enough rights also benefits us as mothers (and in certain cases as wives).

I don’t mean to say that all WAF are traditional, but I do mean to say do not write off the traditional or gynocentric one’s as not caring about men’s rights because often we do care. We care because those right’s affect us when we have to fear never being able to see our grandkids, or seeing our son’s being falsely accused of rape. We can be gynocentric, self centered, traditional-minded and still care about men’s rights and if the aim is actually men’s rights…how gynocentric we are should not matter more than fighting for those rights.

So lastly why I am an anti-feminist!

I’m anti feminist because it is unfair to men, but also because it is unfair to women. I dont have a son yet but I might be pregnant with a boy this time and I am afraid of the life that he will have. I am afraid of how badly our culture treats males. I am afraid of what his future wife can do to him. I am also afraid of the self centered nature of feminism and MRM. I think for most of us to be happy the war of the sexes has to end, we have to stop counting privileges of the opposite sex and simply give where we can.

I am not particularly interested in equality, because the sexes are not equal to me but I do think that currently this are horribly unfair towards men and more needs to be done to fix that.

This article was written by the Secular Traditionalist.

73 Comments on “Women Against Feminism, Gynocentrism and Why I am an anti-feminist!”

  1. Women and men are physically different. Our biological imperatives remain different because of evolution, which has allowed our biology to complement the other sex. In our primitive state, men were hunter-gatherers, and used the stars to geographically locate their destination that makes their spatial reasoning much better than women.

    For instance, men can pack the back of a trunk better than women. Women, on the other hand, picked berries and harvested food thus giving us better color reasoning and enabled us to follow directions better than men. This allowed women to discern the berries that were poisonous from the ones that were edible.

    With that said I disagree with you. Feminism is the fight for equal rights, such as the right to equal pay and treatment. It is not to be confused with making women do what is seen as “men’s roles”, like lifting heavy things.

    Women will never be more physically fit than men, and men can’t discern colors and directions like women (hence, that’s why more men are colorblind than women). It’s just not in our nature.

    I understand and appreciate your choice to stay at home with your children. It is important for mothers to take care of their little ones. I think it is also equally important for fathers to do the same. Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying your husband does that. But for women like me, who choose to work and want to make their own money – separate from their spouse – still deserve the right to do so with equality.

    Women deserve to be treated as equals because we are socially capable of the same things.

    This brings me to gynocentrism, which according to the dictionary is “centered on or concerned exclusively with women; taking a female (or specifically a feminist) point of view.”

    Gynocentrism is a feminist term. Therefore, it is confusing, and hypocritical to say you are taking that point of view when you are an anti-feminist.

    It is interesting you have brought up Men’s Human Rights Movement (MHRM) because men worldwide are treated morally and ethically better than women. However, I do agree that men need a voice in terms of violence, especially, within the media. But that is a different argument.

    Feminism isn’t trying to hate on men, we are just trying to have equal rights. If a man is doing the same amount of work in a job as a woman, does the woman not deserve the same pay as the man? That is what feminism is. I encourage you to watch this video: http://www.upworthy.com/her-voice-might-tremble-but-emma-watsons-message-is-strong-and-clear

    On that note, thank you for your opinions.

    • arealfeminist:
      “… such as the right to equal payand treatment. It is not to be confused with making women do what is seen as “men’s roles”, like lifting heavy things. ”
      —LOL. Yeah, b/c lifting heavy things is never part of work. You want ‘equal pay for equal work’ BUT… only men should have to lift the heavy stuff. OK. Whatever. Also, the pay gap, have you heard about it being debunked? Might want to look into that.

      “… men worldwide are treated morally and ethically better than women. ”
      —prove it and especially prove it for the countries feminism is most active in, namely, ‘the west’.

      “Feminism isn’t trying to hate on men, we are just trying to have equal rights.”
      —sigh… name one right western men have that western women do not. I know, I know. You can’t do it.

      • Please educate yourself. Have you heard of bride burning in India? Or women not being allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia? How about sexual harassment in the work force? Has the US ever had a female president? How many women are there in congress at this second? THAT is what feminism is about. Feminism fights for equal opportunities for both men and women.
        No problem, we can “lift the heavy stuff” if need be, she was only using that as an example of what people assume to be “male” tasks. Feminism is about choice. If a women wants to stay at a home with her children and be supported by her husband, than by all means do that because that is her choice. But feminism is about not letting that be your only option. If a women wants to lead a career, be unmarried or not be a stay-at-home mom, that is her choice as well.

        I respect the biological differences between men and women, but thats as far as the differences should go. The differences should be ONLY biological- not social, political, or economical.

        Feminists do not hate men, we simply want to be treated as equals to men. We hate men AND women who discriminate against women. However we love men and women who fight for female rights.

        The point is that women do not need to depend on men for anything other than basic biological needs. However if a women wants to depend on her man or if a man wants to depend on his women, that is completely fine. It is also the concept that women are not owned by men and men are not owned by women. A man cannot force his wife to do anything and a women cannot force her husband to do anything.

        Lastly, feminism has a whole different meaning in America than it does in developing countries. It means to fight against child brides, to be able to choose whether or not you want children, to have the ability to say no to your husband, or even to be allowed to work. That is the true meaning of feminism.

        • No. You missed what he said. He said, “The West”. And “Western”. We don’t want to talk about bride burning in India. But that highlights the difference in the “West” and everywhere else. The West, by the way, is the part of the world that gets bashed, hated and criticized relentlessly by the “Western” intelligentsia by the way.

        • Feminists, as a group, don’t necessarily hate men, though many individual feminists do. They all view men as less than human. They would never admit this, but it is clear from the way feminists speak about women and men.

          “Women are more intelligent, more cooperative, more empathetic, more caring.

          Men are violent, potential rapists.”

          Dehumanization is the goal.

        • “Please educate yourself.”
          Telling someone they are uneducated and you are; attempting to hold the high ground and demean someone as “less than”. Childish opening commonly used by feminists to depict detractors as stupid, uneducated, or ignorant. Fails to open a debate between… *drum roll* EQUALS. You have successfully opened with a “you are less than me, get in your place” as that is what feminism is about.

          “Have you heard of bride burning in India? Or women not being allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia?”
          Are those western?.. I know they are west… everything is west if you go far enough. But what do those places have to do with increasing female rights [female empowerment, whatever you call it yourself] in the west? Why must another country be used as an example to justify your gains in a place where those problems don’t exist? That would be like a black person using Africa as an example reason for their rioting in Chicago.

          “How about sexual harassment in the work force?”
          This happens to both genders but feminism ONLY cares about the female gender. Why are shelters allowed to turn away abused men and their children?
          “Has the US ever had a female president? How many women are there in congress at this second?”
          I’m gonna go IMHO for a second here… Feminism would fit right in with politics as the two are already in bed together on many issues. Both lie, twist and mince words, use faulty [or outright disproved] statistics, or play the baiting game. Those things aside, perhaps you should be asking a more fundamental question about why women don’t get into politics or progress in politics. Are their agendas, plans, policies, ideas, opinions, or attitudes accepted by the voting populace? Never mind the fact that the voting populace is… *drum roll* 51% female according to data for 2013!

          “[snip]Feminism is about choice.”

          Then let people have their choice instead of shoving your dogma at them? Apparently 51% of females don’t want female politicians, but you don’t care about the choices of others, only feminists choices.

          “If a women wants to stay at a home with her children and be supported by her husband, than by all means do that because that is her choice.”
          But feminism will bash a woman for choosing this lifestyle. See it all over the place, you would have to be blind or born last night to make this statement when you can easily google many feminist narratives against this and bashing those that do choose it.

          “But feminism is about not letting that be your only option.”
          The almighty “but”… Women already have this privilege, why do you have to advocate for it when it exists already?

          “If a women wants to lead a career, be unmarried or not be a stay-at-home mom, that is her choice as well.”
          Yep, her choice. Choice. Choice. Lets let them make that choice on their own cognizance instead of brainwashing them into feminisms choice. Females outnumber males in higher education, so obviously this is a non-issue, still not sure why it still has to be shoved down everyone’ throat.

          “I respect the biological differences between men and women, but thats as far as the differences should go.”
          Biological… Outside of sexual reproduction I’m going to go out on a limb here and include genetic differences. Hormonal, mentally, physically, biologically different…

          “The differences should be ONLY biological- not social, political, or economical.”
          When you identify yourself by what you’re worth to society instead of simply what you are, or who you are, then society will accept your value and you would gain any combination of the three things aforementioned. As stated above, females outnumber males in higher education currently, so obviously this is a nonissue. Unless you’re arguing that those females should not, upon receipt of a degree, get married, have kids, become a housewife. You are advocating they should enter directly into the workforce, or politics IF they so choose [is politics a workforce? debatable…]. Can we just let them all make their own choices, live their own lives? Maybe not many of them find politics an endearing endeavor to them. [This is where I would normally insert a “useless” gender studies degree remark, but those women chose to get a degree of that nature knowing full well the job market and pay structures for such a degree.]

          “Feminists do not hate men, we simply want to be treated as equals to men. We hate men AND women who discriminate against women. However we love men and women who fight for female rights.”
          But screw mens rights. Right? Women’ rights groups consistently lobby against men receiving the same rights as women in areas where women have more rights. Why can a women name any man, ANY man, as a father without his consent or biological evidence [paternity test]? Why do women fight to maintain status quo on having more family court favor, better maternity rights than paternity rights, and et all that goes with children? [Even though more children are murdered by their mother than father, not inclusive of abortion statistics which is another debate in itself since, well… men have zero choices about their own unborn child.]

          “The point is that women do not need to depend on men for anything other than basic biological needs. However if a women wants to depend on her man or if a man wants to depend on his women, that is completely fine. It is also the concept that women are not owned by men and men are not owned by women. A man cannot force his wife to do anything and a women cannot force her husband to do anything.

          Lastly, feminism has a whole different meaning in America than it does in developing countries. It means to fight against child brides, to be able to choose whether or not you want children, to have the ability to say no to your husband, or even to be allowed to work. That is the true meaning of feminism.”
          Railroading, sidetracking, changing topic, assigning vague non-discernible meanings… If these things were true… IF… Why all the “cis white male scum” bashing in the West? Since it’s all these other places that have so many issues, that you use to justify your issues in a different place [though I will congratulate you on not using the “past” to justify the “present” since society does not live in the past and has evolved drastically in 20 years, let alone 50 or 100.] so that you can have more rights… when you already have the same rights [not counting the biological differences where you have more, aka breastfeeding in public for example]… as men…?

        • I want to point out, as a female from KSA, that I don’t want to drive. I have someone who drives me places, and I enjoy it greatly. My husband pays me for my housework, and I have a separate financial portfolio than he does. All of these issues you bring up in relation to Muslim women are more rooted in the issues within militaristic states and in the cultural practises from pre-Islamic times that are still prevalent in our people today. It is also fueled by the difference in income, because the poor have more issues with inequality than some of us. Maybe do some research on Islamic Feminism. I like my traditional way of life, please stop trying to rescue me.

          • I always said if women think they should get paid for housewifing, then a standard maids wage is appropriate.

            Of course, if that happened, you wouldn’t see million dollar divorces or alimony like we do.

            Also, anything a woman is entitled to a man must also be entitled to and she shouldn’t feel threatened by that….because, lets say, pregnancy leave. If men were entitled to equal pregnancy leave, it wouldn’t matter. He can’t be pregnant. So what if he has the on paper legal right, the woman can rest assure biology will never treat him as her equal.

        • “Have you heard of bride burning in India? Or women not being allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia? How about sexual harassment in the work force? Has the US ever had a female president? How many women are there in congress at this second? THAT is what feminism is about.”

          Have you heard of the dancing boys of Afghanistan? Have you heard of rape lynch mobs in India who broke falsely accused men out of jail and beaten them to death? Have you heard of “mehrieh”, the huge sum of money a Muslim man needs to pay a woman to marry her and can be jailed if he cannot? Have you heard of the 13 year old boys of Bangladesh who are conscripted to work in a mine to look after their mothers and sisters? Turkey had a female Prime Minister; she embezzled tons of money. Brazil just ousted their corrupt female president. How many women show interest in being in congress? Did you know that majority of college students in Iran are women? Did you know close to 100% of death penalty and genital mutilation victims across the Middle East are men and boys? Have you heard of the Dowry Laws of India and how many Indian families have been destroyed at the hands of women? Have you heard what Saudi women think about the driving ban? https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/nov/02/saudi-protest-driving-ban-not-popular

          Feminism is not about choice. It has always been about taking choice away from women in the form of denigrating and insulting motherhood and no-career traditional housewifery. The conservative women are now rightfully, albeit a few decades late, calling it out.

          If you need to keep defining the “true” version of your movement, then there is something terribly wrong with your movement, and your entire identity is nothing but a No True Scotsman Fallacy.

        • Please educate yourself about India, there are more rights and priviliges accorded to Indian women than men enshrined in our constitution eg:
          1. Parents are required to maintain their daughters upto 22 years of age wheras for sons it is 18.
          2. It is mandatory to have women specific welfare and support departments in every state and also a national one.
          3. Women cannot be adulteres or rapists under the Indian law.
          4. Women have official reservations/quotas in Schools, Universities, Government Jobs, Legislature, public transport where there are women only buses and train coaches and also reservation in the indian parliament
          5. Women have extremely misused dowry laws and rape laws so far so that majority cases come out to be false.
          6. There are women only lines/ques everywhere.
          7. There are multitude of women only programs whereas there are none for men.
          This is only the tip of the iceberg for women priviliges in India.

          Don’t teach indians on feminism, we currently have a female external affairs minister, a female defence minister and we have also had a femal prime minister ( head of state ) and female president.

          ‘Bride burning’ is mostly myth with cases of questionable authenticity, and whatever miniscule actual cases there were are all relics of the past.

          India is one of the most gynocentric country you’ll ever hear about, the judicial system is heavily biased towards women. People need to shed this east west divide over feminism, we don’t need it but we are burdened by feminist idiots here. There are practically more rights and priviliges for women than men in India and still people keep on harping about women empowerment. You just need to read our freaking constitution to realize how gynocentric Indian society is.

          For me I think being gynocentric is a biological innate characteristic ingrained in men even more so than women, which even if we tried we cannot shed off and I don’t have much of a problem with this. The biological equation among the sexes will take a lot more than ‘feminism’ to be changed or modified even slightly. Men will always act according to the hunter/gathere/protector roles and this biological trait has allowed so much of this feminism thing to flourish or may I say burgeon out of control.

        • bride burning is long gone now, its almost a century after that.
          What we are left with is cutting male genitals for not being a good looking person.
          or 2 year old kids getting charged for molestation.
          or guys getting charged for rape for not picking up girlfriend’s call.
          or guys getting charged for public molestation for saving a dying woman.
          Fuck feminism.

      • I think, we are trying to find solutions for all types of social, political and economic issues from the top without giving due consideration to the underlying causes. To me, there is no such issue as “equality” or ‘in-equality” between men and women; this issue technically can not exist; it is just another self created issue like many other issues of today’s modern world and to fuel it further, we have the ‘media’ or the “social-media” as it is known today!! I mean, what really is the problem with men and women of this so called technologically advanced or technologically civilized world (I call it technologically civilized) because it is not a morally or ethically civilized world at all!! today’s modern world has lost its civility long ago and it has become too hard on us to accept the fact that we have no ‘civility’ left and just to hide our shame, we create issues like “gender inequalities, intolerance, racism, etc , etc” just to talk about them to prove our intelligence and liberalism or open mindedness disguised in our personal interests!!! these interests could be economic, emotional, psychological, social or political and we try to engage ourselves in all kind of debates and discussions to show our so called ’empathy’ or ‘sudo-intellectualism’!! As a matter of fact, we just do not want to sacrifice and compromise on anything; we do not want give up any of our rights, the rights that we are not entitled to at all as human or from the humanity perspective!! We are always “on the hunt” to find some one to blame for all our short comings, for all our failures but we are never ready to even try to fulfill our responsibilities as a human first because all our human relations like father, mother, son, daughter, sister, husband, wife, friend, co-worker, neighbor, relative, etc come later; I am a human first! Am I not suppose to forgive myself and others; Am I not suppose to leave my ‘Right’ just for the sake of PEACE, just for the sake of someone else; and to attain the ultimate eternal happiness and to fulfill the ultimate goal of being a HUMAN!

        • much is right in what you say waseem and yet its also HUMAN to care about justice and fairness issues.
          Its not just only a selfish exercise, its also the way we evolve culturally.
          making yourself righteous by simply opposing or belittling people striving to make the world a better place does not ‘civility’ make.
          But yes shining a light upon the selfish shadow that can underpin some of that motivation is helpful. thankyou

    • I was going to say something, but then joe said it for me, in similar words.
      Logic and reason.
      If women cannot handle those two concepts, they are not deserving of the respect that men are.
      Most women I know care FAR too much about what their idiot friends think as a group.
      That’s pretty much the same root type of thinking as fascism and similar majority-is-right-even-when-they’re-ignorant culture.
      That’s nothing to do with men.
      That is slavery, in some form, at least.
      Take away women’s power, and like men, they throw a tantrum. Perhaps quicker than men. Perhaps not, it’s irrelevant.
      “To be truly free, one must not only avoid becoming a slave, but also avoid becoming a MASTER (mistress)”.
      Worrying about how much power (money, social status, etc) you have , is backwards. Don’t worry at all, just love without fear.
      I won’t hold my breath.

    • I am a hunter-gather, too. It’s in my mt-DNA (a branch of the U5 haplogroup). Actually I love hunting irl, I love guns and shooting, so, what does thtsay about me concerning feminism?
      Do I need it or not?

      • This society allows you to live any way you want. Before the technological age, men and women didn’t have a choice. They HAD TO depend on each other for survival. You can choose to be a hunter gatherer today… or choose to be a housewife… or choose to be a business exec. BUT if all of the things elevating this civilization collapsed, fear, anger and savagery would take over again. It would be every person for themselves and most women freeze in fear when violence is so overwhelming. Someone has to take care of people like that, because they aren’t conscious enough to take care of themselves. That’s the patriarchy. It can be just as vital for survival as freedom.

    • Abandon collectivism and postmodernism and only THEN we might start to believe you, until that happens, your claims of equality are invalid.

    • So if we both work at Walmart for instance and we’re both stockers and I (being male) lift heavy cases of soup, TV’s etc and you put socks and panties on shelves you work just as hard as me b.s. and more than likely I’ll work more hours as well and what decides who does the same work you! God you are full of sh*t

    • How can a woman do same amount of work when men women are physically unequal? If women work less then pay less, our ancestors have knew it! Women just rebel

    • I’m so glad that you are so succinct. Trust me. I’ve shared your site with other feminists for a really good laugh.

  2. Arealfeminist:
    “With that said I disagree with you. Feminism is the fight for equal rights, such as the right to equal pay and treatment. It is not to be confused with making women do what is seen as “men’s roles”, like lifting heavy things. ”
    —LOL. Yeah, OK, sure. LOL.

    “Gynocentrism is a feminist term. Therefore, it is confusing, and hypocritical to say you are taking that point of view when you are an anti-feminist. ”
    —ah, so the same people who say that women should be treated like special snowflakes are the same people who think that women should NOT be treated like special snowflakes. You just keep bringing the lulz.

    “It is interesting you have brought up Men’s Human Rights Movement (MHRM) because men worldwide are treated morally and ethically better than women. ”
    —prove that this is the case in the west. Or don’t. I don’t really expect ‘proof’ or even a decent case from you. No other feminist has ever presented such a case to me and I don’t expect you to be the first.

    To the author of the submission:
    I agree that traditionalism treats men better than feminism treats them. If feminism is a rider and men are the horse, the rider rides the horse until it dies and gets a new one. If traditionalism is the rider, the horse is ridden respectfully and fed and cared for afterwards. Still not sure I want to be the horse. However, I also think that the MRM, like feminism, didn’t do a great job of envisioning their ‘perfect world’ and traditionalism has been tested and is very likely what we evolved for. Even the evo psyche proponents in the MRM will, I think, agree with me that men-taking-care-of-women is a central idea in our unconscious species survival plan.

  3. Also, I’d like to point out that Emma Watson’s speech has already been dissected six ways from Sunday and the results were not favorable. It’s a good speech UNTIL you think about it critically for even a few minutes.

  4. It is ABSOLUTE (bar a few punks and Autistic women and the like) that women are FAR more socially-enslaved than men. They cannot rock the boat or upset the social paradigm, and men are at least somewhat more independent of this – unless they are doing what the women in their life are telling them to do, which happens quite often. But the natural state? Women need to count their blessings before cursing the patriarchy.

    • oh really, how many women are forced to go to war?
      what are the reproductive right of a man in western societies?
      what about men’s body integrity rights?
      what about society’s support for men in domestic violence, academia, health, mental health, life expectancy etc etc etc???

      you let me know

    • \Actually, given the body count, it’s men who have been really enslaved throughout history. They worship women and the vagina so much that they wage wars against each other to keep them or keep them safe. On a whole, it’s men doing the hardest jobs to make women’s lives easier, even if it means inventing great conveniences like a refrigerator.

  5. Please educate yourself. Have you heard of bride burning in India? Or women not being allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia? How about sexual harassment in the work force? Has the US ever had a female president? How many women are there in congress at this second? THAT is what feminism is about. Feminism fights for equal opportunities for both men and women.
    No problem, we can “lift the heavy stuff” if need be, she was only using that as an example of what people assume to be “male” tasks. Feminism is about choice. If a women wants to stay at a home with her children and be supported by her husband, than by all means do that because that is her choice. But feminism is about not letting that be your only option. If a women wants to lead a career, be unmarried or not be a stay-at-home mom, that is her choice as well.

    I respect the biological differences between men and women, but thats as far as the differences should go. The differences should be ONLY biological- not social, political, or economical.

    Feminists do not hate men, we simply want to be treated as equals to men. We hate men AND women who discriminate against women. However we love men and women who fight for female rights.

    The point is that women do not need to depend on men for anything other than basic biological needs. However if a women wants to depend on her man or if a man wants to depend on his women, that is completely fine. It is also the concept that women are not owned by men and men are not owned by women. A man cannot force his wife to do anything and a women cannot force her husband to do anything.

    Lastly, feminism has a whole different meaning in America than it does in developing countries. It means to fight against child brides, to be able to choose whether or not you want children, to have the ability to say no to your husband, or even to be allowed to work. That is the true meaning of feminism.

    • “only biological”
      so you are saying men arewalking sperm donors?? so what’s the point in marriage??
      in marriage you are supposed to complete each other because the simple truth is that men and women are different, not just on the biological part but also emotionally and psychologically.
      there’s no doubt that the emotional and psychological aspect of a human being influences the choices and views on all kinds of things in life and that’s why there are simply certain things that a man is good at and things that a woman is better at…
      that’s nature and it’s time we start accepting that instead of fighting that. feminism always gave me a feeling of having to be ashamed of being a woman, as if we are not good enough as we are. as if what we got from mother nature is not good enough. there’s so much beauty in embracing your gifts as a woman but feminists chose to fight it and become men instead. this is childish and only shows signs of a very low self esteem!

        • What the hell is that supposed to mean? I hope that’s a compliment, because Dana sounds like a real, wonderful, understanding and tolerant woman. Maybe its just the fact that she loves and respects men, but her personality is what I call attractive.

          Seriously, Dana, I wish there were more women like you.

          But then again, if that were true, you wouldn’t be so special.

    • “Please educate yourself.” Here comes the third-wave, adamantly feminist rant, which is somewhat of a hypocrisy, since feminists are usually never educated save whatever the Council of Foreign Relations spoon feeds them. I am not a Jungian, nor am I a Frommian, yet I would consider this phrase, evident of herd logic?

      “Have you ever heard about the bride burning in India? Or women not being allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia? Has the U.S. ever had a female president?” On the last point, I’m sure you are going to place a feminist “progressive” here, but, I’m sorry to say, you’re not doing ANYTHING about the women’s oppression around the world. In fact, save the emotional scare tactic you’re trying to use to get people to become feminists, you never even ADDRESS these global terrors. What are you doing, when I.S.I.S. tries to rape and sell child brides, other than making a first lady, simply put up a sign, #BringBackOurGirls? In fact, I think as much as I.S.I.S. would like attention, that was somewhat of an encouragement. But, no, aside from these emotional points, all you talk about is the “right” to be sexually promiscuous, to abort your kids on demand, and to get paid MORE for a job over a man (for the “less” pay, look up the health benefits we get as a woman, combined with the less work hours we put in, the job categories we usually choose, and then see why we usually get “paid less”.) In short, the only type of “women’s “enslavement” you care about, is YOUR OWN SELF-INTEREST.

      On the feminism “being about choice”, I’m sorry, but if you’re trying to pull one over on people, it’s not working at all. The fact is, feminism, especially third-wave feminism, has been trying to systematically make women compete against men for everything…..merely for the sake of applause. In short, if a woman wants to live at home, with a husband and children, they are ostracized for that sake alone. I mean, motherhood in GENERAL is a thankless job, and feminists are extremely self-centered and self absorbed. Most times, you hear the “barefoot wife in the kitchen” stereotype, and when you hear that, you can see that feminists are not to keen on the ideal of motherhood, unless it’s a “existential quest for the woman’s fulfillment,” which is saddening, since a child is a person, not a goal, or a project.

      “I respect the biological differences between the two….” Argumentation with several feminists, seems to refute that statement. Feminists advocate for hypersexuality, knowing that women are biologically engineered to have children, and will have to deal with the consequences. Feminists also advocate for self-absorption, and self-entitlement, merely on the sake of being a woman. Feminists also fight for solipsism, which is even seen by the way they selectively censor out or push back results on Yahoo! and Google. Even on looking at this site alone, it look me several searches simply to find results AGAINST feminism. In short, feminism does not look for the rights of men, or even women. Feminism fights for a narcissistic sociopolitical gender entitlement.

      • Seriously, Brittany, this is so well stated, that I envisioned the proverbial dropping of the mic. I wish we could put this on the world’s largest billboard, flood forums, and have an entire line of published literature based around this very body if writing. Women like you inspire, evoke thought, and draw respect and admiration. Thank you, Miss. This was the pinnacle of my readings within these sets of comments.

    • So where has feminism been when it comes to men have equal rights in raising their kids? NO WHERE… Focusing only on the issues women face and none that men face is the most sexist things I can think of and automatically violates the whole (for equality) life that so many feminists seem to spew.

  6. This whole ‘movement’ that you are trying to accomplish doesn’t have any educational foundation. Women are still treated unfairly in the western world; it is NOT just a third world problem. Feminism IS the term used to describe equal rights for everyone. This includes race, gender and sexual orientation. To say that you are an anti-feminist is saying that all of these issues are irrelevant. Feminism is the acknowledgement that you as a women inevitably are born with a less likely-hood to succeed than a man. The factors surrounding this can be things like pay etc, but it also comes down to psychological factors like the way that men are brought up with more focus on their confidence while women are brought up to be more critical of themselves and their bodies. Feminism’s target is in no way to harass men, but to mediate the power imbalance.

    To say that you are an anti-feminist is one of the most offensive, uneducated and morally corrupt things to say. I would suggest that if you would like to appear more credible to at least reference someone or ANYTHING that could legitimise your derogatory movement. However I think that you will have a very hard time justifying how ageism, classism, homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism (and the list goes on) is justifiable.

    • I hope I don’t come across as hypocritical by now responding to the content of these comments (I really don’t want to enter the fray). Al, a lot of anti-feminists are perhaps’ morally corrupt’ uninsightful and poorly educated, and they prance around in the comment sections of these blogs with their own erroneous dogmas and cherry picked facts. But it is one of the dangers of commitment to ideology that your own beliefs seem true and others false – we can all do with more careful consideration of the things we consider undisputed facts.
      You say ‘feminism is the term for equality’ and then immediately afterwards state, ‘ feminism is the recognition that women are less likely to be successful ‘ etc. Those two statements are not really mutually inclusive. Better to say ‘ feminism is the quest for equality which focuses predominantly on the disadvantages faced by women because feminists consider these issues to be most significant in the quest for equality’. The fact is, however, other people will consider other issues more pressing and will dedicate their energy accordingly (they’ll not be called feminists).
      The second point I’d make is that feminism is not necessarily about equality at all (though this is a common concern) because there are feminismS which have their own standards as to what factors are of the highest relevance to females, some which may cast aside the liberal paradigm entirely.
      To state as you have done that feminism is the concern for x,y,z stretches the term a bit too far. By all means follow tor convictions! The term feminism seems stretched a bit far, though.

    • “Feminism’s target is in no way to harass men, but to mediate the power imbalance.”
      Exacerbate the power imbalance further in women’s favor you mean.

      As for the screed at the end, I like how you list off “ageism, classism, homophobia, transphobia…..” et al is justifiable whilst simultaneously stating “at least reference someone or ANYTHING that could legitimize your derogatory movement.

      First you are the one being derogatory by trying to haphazardly associate these women with anything you can to smear them with no foundation for doing so. Then you laughably tell them to essentially associate themselves with some other “cause” to make themselves look more respectable………sort of like Steinem and Co did by hitching Feminism’s wagon full of shit behind the Civil Rights Movement….

    • “Feminism IS the term used to describe equal rights for everyone. This includes race, gender and sexual orientation”

      Whoa! So it’s not enough to claim gender equality – now feminism’s about race and sexuality too?

      Such arrogance – even the use of the prefix “fem-” to describe something so wide ranging reeks of an belief in the inherent fairness and righteousness of all things female.

      Unfortunately, this kind of trickery is used far too often by the identity politics types. You make use of a logical fallacy and hide behind definitions to try and claim you’re the only game in town when it comes to equality.

      The fallacy goes like this:

      1. Feminism is by definition equality

      2. We are feminists, Therefore, everything we do is by definition an action in the service of equality.

      3. So if you disagree with us, you are by definition opposing equality.

      Even if you accept the first premise – which I don’t – the rest of the argument breaks down, because if (1) is true then we are left with the rather ludicrous assumption that huge numbers of people and groups who call themselves feminists aren’t really feminists.

      To me, it;s more efficient to reject (1) and note that feminism is ONE FAILED ATTEMPT at creating equality, and certainly not the only possible vision of equality. In a similar vein, someone who seeks social justice and a fairer distribution of wealth does not have to be a Marxist or a communist – because other solutions to the problem are available.

      This whole attempt to use the dictionary definition argument is utterly unconvincing. If you were really sincere you could demonstrate all the wonderfully liberating things feminists had done for men as well as women.

      The reason you don’t do that is because if you were to draw upon real world actions, the evidence would damn your cause for the female supremacy movement that it is.

    • Certainly, if you make a nuisance of yourself by getting oversensitive and emotional about sh!t that doesn’t bother the majority of other women, you’re going to be treated differently. The way women are treated today has nothing to do with what’s between their legs. It has to do with their behavior and how they treat others, specifically men. And it’s easy to make up stuff to attack men for.

  7. “Women Against Feminism feels like a tiny light at the end of a really dark tunnel to me and I want to say why that is. The thing is I am agnostic, but I am traditional. I have never been a feminist, I have always viewed feminism as strange. Even before I fully explored the feminist’s and anti-feminist’s movements feminism never sat well with me.”

    I was the same way, except that I became Catholic. However, even before that, I always believed the truth that men and women are equal, yet there are different. Feminism just never sat well with me, either. To the poster al, feminism doesn’t promote equal rights for different races, genders, and sexuality. It claims to promote equal rights for women yet it doesn’t. It promotes the idea of license with no responsibility in how one should and shouldn’t act. It promotes women to dress and act immodestly yet it attacks men for objectifying women. If women do not want to be objectified, why are women making it easier for men to do so? Men shouldn’t objectify women, but women are making it easier for men to objectify them. Second, how in the world is antifeminism promoting ageism, classism, homophobia, transphobia, racism, and sexism? Antifeminism is against feminism; it didn’t claim to be against anything else. Thirdly, feminism is promoting biased and negative attitudes towards men. “Rape culture?” There is no rape culture in the United States. What is in the United States is that there are men who rape, and that is because human beings, both men and women, are sinful; every man isn’t going around raping women. To imply that men need to be taught how not to rape is insulting and patronizing. It is insulting and patronizing to my dad, my brother, my uncles, my male cousins, my male acquaintances, and my male friends. Lastly, why do women need to be obsessed with power and obtaining it? Why do we need to prove men wrong? I am under no obligation to do that, along with every other woman. If men think that I am stupid, that is their problem, not mine. I am not bound to prove to men that I am intelligent, sophisticated, learned, strong, and assertive(note that I don’t feel like I am any of these adjectives)because feminists want exploit us for political gain and rid us of what little dignity we have left. Women need to stop competing with men. Men are not our enemy even if there are men who are rude, crude, and immoral. Our enemy is sin, yet we have embraced him as if he is our friend and were “liberated” by him. Men and women need to grow in chastity and general virtue, and get along with one another. We do not need to be fighting amongst each other. We need to love, care, and understand one another.

    • Thank you for saying that, Josephine. As a man who feels guilty and ashamed for being a man sometimes, it’s a real comfort to know that there are still tolerant and understanding women out there like you.

  8. A sincerely composed article, then the usually ideological flaming in the comments. (arealfeminist a little less guilty than the rest).

  9. It has been many years that I’ve personally been trying to get this message across – that for true equality we need something better than feminism. I was under the false impression that most women believed in modern feminism, which for a male who believes in true gender equality in our laws and society, is a very, very depressing thought.

    Seeing this movement, and so many women standing up against feminism and in favor of TRUE EQUALITY for everyone is SUCH a breath of fresh air. It gives me so much hope for our future together as men and women who want everyone – BOTH men and women – to be treated fairly, regardless of gender. Thank you SO much for this movement, it is so important, and so necessary today.

  10. I enjoyed this article. I want nothing more than a traditional woman. I sympathize with anti-feminism but I don’t agree with it. I want a return back to the traditional order of things where women and men depended on each other. So the article really resonated with me. Neither men nor women really had it easy in the past but I feel like we at least had each other. Now we are all alone. And generally ruder, meaner and nastier. I feel like we lost much more than we gained.

  11. Love the photo collage on the home page. Seems that not only are the feminists all white but the anti-feminists are all white, too. LOL

    • Wow, you’re right!

      Wait, nope. I went and checked and I counted 2 black girls 3 asians and at least one who appeared to be Indian.

      It turns out that ‘racial minorities’ are actually – MINORITIES.
      So, a collage of people may have less representation of the smaller societal group (a.k.a. minorities).

      It’s weird, I know.

      But, nah that’s boring. It’s probably a white person conspiracy. I’m gonna tumblr blog about the racism on this site tonight after dinner. Yaassss!

  12. I didn’t think there where women that felt like this out there. Women like yourselves cannot even be found in church. A guy posted a link here on a ROK’s article and I came to check it out. I’m a MGTOW type of guy worried about the life my 10 year old son is going to have.

      • Do you ever think? A married man gets divorced and he is frustrated with dating or his ex wife threw him under the bus. He became a mgtow after his divorce.

        This article is pure nonsense . Here is why most of the so called feminism doesn’t want the laws changed that benefit from them. No sane man is going to want to get married with the current laws.

        Do you realize feminists only talks about Patriarchy not Gynocentrism? Why are the MRM against Gynocentrism? Because it give the women the benefits with the expense of men. Unless women are willing to give all their benefits and rights including voting men will not be interested in marriage.

        This mean there will have to a huge political change. Will women be willing to give it up? I highly doubt it. Since women gladly take advantage of the benefits, we mgtow men can’t take you women seriously.

        • It’s funny that you say that. The ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) has been repeatedly raised and rejected by women on both sides. Women have never wanted the full responsibilities and liabilities of being men.

  13. If you like the traditional gender norms, that’s all well and good; more power to you. Nobody can tell you how to live your life. However, that being said, it is immoral to force this lifestyle upon other people. If the members of a straight couple wish to live in the stereotypical role of the opposite sex, you mustn’t attempt to “correct” them.

    • It’s immoral to FORCE any lifetstyle upon other people.
      And the article never implied that she wanted to do that, rather the opposite, she doesn’t want feminists imposing their ideological beliefs on her…yet I see a few here trying to convince her how wrong she is, rather than allowing her to make her own choice and wishing her well.

      • I had forgotton all about “the Andy Griffith” show and “I Dream of Jeannie” were a ton of fun. The others, unfortunately, I have not seen, but I have heard wonderful things about them and you are right. All of them are very good about presenting a wholesome message and encouraging being away from the TV and playing outdoors as well as family fun and unity.

    • So when does the greater good play into this little fantasy world? As a society, we all have to live together. I have to feel like I can trust the men and women driving in the cars with me on the highway. If I feel like I don’t know or understand anyone else in our culture because everyone is so different, I won’t be able to trust them. Social cohesion is essential for a civilization to exist. Without it, there will be nothing but anarchy.

  14. I liked your post genreally, although I think you need a word other than gynocentric to describe your attitude (and indeed it seems inaccurate of the MHRMs to call you out on this)

    To me, “gynocentric” means putting women at the centre of existence and making society revolve around them – making one type of militantly pro female attitudes seem like a social norm to which everyone must adhere.

    In schools, it manifests in “treating boys like defective girls” as Christina Hoff-Summers once said.

    What you describe is more like a desire to be feminine with traditionally feminine interests and outlooks.

    Its seems much more like you’re running your own life in this manner – and mixing your personal orbit with men and women who live likewise – than trying to drive the whole of society to follow your model. So really, there’s nothing to defend.

  15. Feminism: the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men

  16. I have to just leave a brief comment here.
    You made a comment about how you want to stay at home with your children, and that’s part of why you are anti-feminist. I just want to say that having that choice is also part of feminism.
    The feminist movement – the REAL feminist movement, not the radical, extremist people I can tell you’ve unfortunately dealt with – really is for equality. There are lots of parts of the movement that are focused specifically on men!
    This is what feminism was meant to be. It’s sad that it’s been tarnished, but it really does fight for all the things you worry about.

    • Unfortunately Elizabeth, the movement you speak of is not at all, -within it’s action dynamic,- what you describe it to be. What you must understand here, is within this forum, speaks of what many Women and Men alike have experienced first hand from the gavel which swings from tmodern Feminist hand, per se. I have experienced it myself in morbid fashion on various occasions, and ironically, I am one of hr most truly Egalitarian souls you will meet. I was raised by a phenomenal Woman who, even through being beaten, raped, objectified, denied, or put out by horrid male individuals, never even blinked at any kind if Feminist leaning or ideology… But instead EMBODIED the Tue perseverance, Independence, and strength of a truly empowered Woman. She taught me equality all across the board, and within these tools if understanding she instilled me with, I saw ANY and ALL singularly centred ideologies as narrow minded, and eventually, malignant. Feminism is like any other singularly centred ideology of lore-.. It suppose meant well, buy became an extremist, hypocritical hate mongering dynamic which defeats it’s own.purpose by applying absolutist anecdotes to it’s doctrine, as if it is the end all-be all of equalist agendas. But the sad truth here is, like most other mass scale ideologies, religions, and doctrines; Feminism is a one dimensional, cis-male hating mob mentality disguised as equalist and Noble. Yet, like the aforementioned ideologies of lore, the ACTIONS behind Feminism as a whole end up breeding morbid negativity and strife. I strongly feel that if “real” Feminists desire to change this negative stigma, they must stop this madness by killing the Feminist agenda altogether and evolve to the united Humanist ideology.

  17. You are a gynocentric your basic argument is that gynocentrism is good for men because you don’t hate them. Let me make this clear if whatever arrangement you have with your husband is aggreable to both of you then more power to you but that doesn’t mean your situation can’t be analysed and called out for what it is gynocentric female entitlement. Look at what you wrote

    “My traditionalism comes from the idea that this lifestyle makes me happy. I have always wanted children and now that I have children (2 and I am currently pregnant again) I am very happy that I choose a husband who is happy to financially support me. I know that I would have resented working full-time and never seeing my children. I know that this was the right choice for me and hope that it was the right choice for him.”

    That is one of the most gynocentric things I’ve ever read, you talk about it making YOU happy and you don’t seem to even attempt to ask yourself if your husband would also resent working full time and not seeing his children (which is what your arrangement is) This arrangement is entirely about what your husband does to enable the lifestyle YOU want for YOURSELF and your seeming inability to even ask yourself if this is what he wants in “hope that it was the right choice for him.” is quite scary and lays out your female sense of entitlement to his labour and finances for all to see.

    I’m not saying you don’t at all care about your husband I’m saying the reason you care about him is the same as every feminist and indeed every woman out there and that is his utility to you.

  18. There is a much better reason to be against feminism then it isnt fair.
    Feminism will destroy your culture, it will make the birth rate drop to an unsustainable level. It sounds good in theory but it cant work in practice.

  19. Darn. I will die childless because women like having men take care of them while she would never do the same.

    I just want a woman who is as good or better than me…which means she is perfectly capable of doing it all by her self. Why should I even accept supporting a woman who doesn’t need it and why should I be forced to only go for women that “need” me when I don’t need anything but a good lay?

    So if you like being on the supported side, you have to take on the identity of an inferior person. It isn’t a “difference.”My last lady raised 5 children on her own after she divorced her husband for beating the teeth out of her face…she did this many decades ago. Most women pale in comparison to this lady. She is a proper woman.

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