Feminism is NOT about equality

Feminism is not about equality

What modern feminists refuse to admit is that feminism is only one side of a two-sided coin of inequality. A “movement” that advocates for the rights of one gender over another is sexist and inequal by nature… If feminists were striving for equality, then they wouldn’t be FEMinists. That’s just deductive reasoning. Being against feminism means that you’re truly for equality.

I don’t need modern feminism because I do not need a “movement” to advocate for me based on my gender. I am my own advocate. I am smart, independent, strong, competent, and confident. I am perfectly capable of fighting for and obtaining my own equality… And I will do so with the love, support, and encouragement of all the men in my life…especially my boyfriend who treats and sees me as his equal in everything that we do together.

146 Comments on “Feminism is NOT about equality”

  1. Don’t really agree with this, feminism has never been about advocating the rights of one gender over another. Just because there is a ‘fem’ in the term feminist doesn’t make it so, you can call it anything you want, it’s still means equality.

    • He never said that, at all. Feminism has created more problems than solutions. Unfortunately, I can’t detail them in a reply, maybe in a short novella. Just do some googling, you’ll find quite a bit.

      • It’s important to point out that this site has issue with Third Wave Feminism, aka Gender or
        Radical Fem. Very few is anyone would argue with the Womens’ Equality movements of Betty Friedan in the ’50s and Gloria Steinem in the ’60’s.
        The issue today is that though women have it better than men by all metrics, this more-recent extremism is ruining our society. It is anti-woman and anti-man.

        • Very much this. Radfem has become a cult-like *religion*, completey with blasphemy laws, heresies, apostates, schisms etc. And what’s been going on with the college SJW crowd since about 2013 is following many of the patterns of traditional “moral panics” which are associated with religious kooks going off the deep end. It really has gone from a political equality movement to a hardline cultist faith over the years.

          If you look at e.g. the UK, only 7% of all people surveyed identify with feminism, but *almost all* people surveyed believe in equality of the sexes. So feminists say “well everyone’s really a feminist they just don’t know it”. No … just don’t insult the intelligence of almost all men AND women. … How about an analogy … imagine if Christians found that only 7% of a nation’s people identify as “Christians” yet 80% agree that they have some “spiritual” component. Then the Christians said “well they’re really Christians they just don’t know it!” This would be on the face of it, a preposterous statement, but it’s effectively how feminists rationalize the same thing. They claim to “own” equality, so therefore if you don’t support them *and all their other doctrines* you must *hate equality*. This is exactly the same as one religion claiming to be the “one true religion” that “own’s goodness” and if you don’t support all their beliefs you’re “against goodness”. People who don’t believe in “the patriarchy” conspiracy theory aren’t necessarily “against equality”, they’re against insane bullshit ideologies. But that’s what cultist ideologies breed – claiming 100% ownership of virtue and that anyone who questions any of the sacred doctrines must be an agent of evil / “the devil” / “patriarchy”.

          • I agree with you, Jason. It is about many things- blaming others for your suffering, getting promotions based on guilt manipulation, blaming classes of people for individual crimes, and more- but one thing 3rd wave feminism is NOT about is equality. It increasingly resembles a cult or religion in which female means good and male means bad. The irony is that these people claim to be non-binary. They are some of the most ideologically inflexible people you could ever meet. Everything bad women do is caused by “patriarchy” and everything good they do is because of women’s supposedly moral and pure nature.

      • Feminism is a social version of identity politics. Feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve political, economic, personal, and social equality of sexes.Modern feminist do not care about men’s issue but they say women’s issue is men issue.But men’s issue is not women’s issue.It is hypocrisy.
        Society’s structure is interconnected.Men or Women are not enemy. If modern feminist social social engineered society to establish matriarchy. Matriarchy is not gender equality. It is female supremacy over male.

        • Jason, Matthew and Paul H, agree with everything you each said. If feminism continues to succeed I can only see war between the sexes, not equality! We need absolute equality between the sexes but women need to be women and men men.

      • Let me just say: the dictionary definition of Feminism is- the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. That’s it. What you’re thinking of (putting women ahead of men instead of equal to them) is called misandrism. The fact that you believe that men being more feminine builds up the assumption that you are, in fact, a misandrist, upholding the standards of a “manly-man taking care of his little house wife” that are still in action today the same way they were in the 1950’s. If you think you know what feminism is so well, why don’t you provide a more solid argument on what it is compared to what you are. On another note, feminists don’t want to “feminize men”, we want to establish that being a man who is more feminine is okay. That it’s not wrong to be who you are just because of what you’ve been taught by society from a young age.

        • I hate to say this, but China calls itself the “People’s Republic of China”. Is it really for the people, and is it really a republic? Definitions don’t matter as much as actions do.

          • “Problem is that current day feminism doesn’t conform to the dictionary definition”

            misandry then. not feminism.

            too much sticking feathers up butts and self proclaiming as chickens, muddies the conversation.

            just as we should not accept racists proclaiming themselves not racist (typically “i’m not racist, but…” type statements), we should not accept sexists proclaiming themselves feminists either.

            genuine feminism is about egalitarianism. not about supplanting one wrong (patriarchal supremacy) with another (matriarchal supremacy). two wrongs don’t make a right, here.

            surely this site should instead be called peopleagainstmisandryandmisogyny.com ;D

            p.s. (there are a lot of beautiful posts/replies here that “get it”, trying to dispel the muddying, conflations and confusions)

      • Feminist people merely point out that men do not have to be all macho and muscly all the time. Men CAN be vulnerable at times, men CAN cry sometimes. Its something that we as humans all do. We are not forcing you to be weak. You can be strong and support anyone you want. We’re just trying to say that we don’t want men to feel confined and trapped because of gender stereotypes. If men don’t feel the need to follow these stereotypes, women won’t need to either. Men are just as essential to feminism as women are.

        • Do you realize that the men you criticize are the offshoot of what your people created? Your sexual liberation has generated single moms. It is known to all that children need both parents. What about virgin shaming? Internet is flooded with feminists’ sexual harassment towards virgin men. The line used against them: “You need to get laid”.

        • Okay Athena.
          Boyfriend goes to a tragic movie..cries.
          Does this for 5 dates straight.
          Yeah, that will really get you hot, right?

          Men who cry a lot don’t do it for women.
          Know who does? Christian Gray, a psycho, sado masochist.

    • Funny how feminists will run to the dictionary to argue that ‘feminism’ is about equality but shy away from analyzing what a root word and a suffix add up to.

      And let’s assume that feminism DOES mean ‘equality’. Fine. Now it’s up to every so called ‘feminist’ to prove they measure up. The problem is, very very few of them do measure up. Christina Hoff Sommers comes to mind as one who does measure up.

      • How about this. FEMinism deduces that woman should be treated equally as men simply because individuals such as yourself believe that men are superior figures in terms of… everything. Why is so that one of the strongest retorts I have received is “Women belong in the kitchen”? Are you not saying we may be superior in the subject? Because I’m sure not. I know plenty of men who “belong in the kitchen”, and are great at what they do! Are you attempting to oppress your own gender? Is that the extent you’re willing to go to in order the support a belief you so demandingly preach. How about when you say “Of course, she’s a house wife, women can’t do anything”. It’s because you make it so. And I’m positive your mother engaged in a deeply painful activity purely to bring your anti-feminist self into this “developing” world.
        Encouraging women around you to push themselves to their limit would result in, what you perceive to be, an absurd idea of women and men being “equals”.
        Also forgive me for the 2 year late retort that you are possibly not going to see. I’m not an “angry” feminist, simply an ambitious one. 🙂

        • “FEMinism deduces that woman should be treated equally as men simply because individuals such as yourself believe that men are superior figures in terms of… everything”.

          I’d argue feminists have that viewpoint, they are the first to point out “Straight white male privilege”.

        • I’m sorry Malavika but I have to say this: “Joe” never once said anything that might indicate that “he” is pro-male and anti-female so to speak. You said “feminism deduces that women should be treated equally as men simply because individuals such as yourself believe that men are superior figures in terms of… everything.” Now, that is extremely rude and assuming. You created this random connotation that Joe is a misogynist and that he (I say he as I am unsure what gender Joe may be) believes that men are superior. Now you use gender stereotypes that are not enforced anymore (e.g. I know various couples where the examples you listed were all completely false) to prove your point. The entire post is against THIRD WAVE feminism. Not real feminism. Feminism in itself is beautiful but then you get specimens like yourself. Third wave feminists so to speak. All the important battles have been fought by previous generations and they have been won and women are actually arguably better off than men in modern day America thanks to these heroes. Then the new feminist movement could not really fight any real wars so it evolved into this modern day beast. It is completely hypocritical and makes a mockery of what those women (myself included) tirelessly fought for. So please reflect on your current stance on “feminism” and come to the logical conclusion that “feminism” as it is widely known as today is trying to achieve exactly what men did to us for so many years. And then you will see the hypocrisy of this movement.

    • Wrong. Feminist theory and radical feminists have always and I do mean always been about advocating for the rights of women over that of men. If they were for equal rights they would advocate for punishment for women who cry rape when there was no rape.

      • The other way around, mate. Why not insist that members of your sex stop raping women in the first place? That and similar actions, like getting behind attempts to remove male partners as one of the major causes of mortality of women, could see the demise of feminism.

        • I’m pretty sure America has an anti-rape culture- we severely condemn horrific crimes like rape and sexual assault. Have you seen what’s going on lately? I think it’s awesome that more women are coming forwards about this, but the penalties also show how people (including men) view rape as a horrible thing.

          I’m sorry but I’m a bit confused as to what you’re saying about the “remove male partners as one of the major causes of mortality of women”? Are you talking about spousal abuse? I believe that everyone takes that quite seriously already. Additionally, it’s actually quite alarming of how feminists are literally fighting to prevent men who have been abused in relationships (over 40% of victims of severe physical violence are actually men + more men than women are victims of domestic abuse according to a CDC study: http://www.saveservices.org/2012/02/cdc-study-more-men-than-women-victims-of-partner-abuse/). For example, take Erin Pizzey. A quick Google Search will show you that she started one of the earliest domestic abuse shelters for women and has worked tirelessly to help others. However, after her experiences she began finding out that men and women tended to be equally violent in relationships. She started talking about this, and was immediately faced with severe backlash from the feminist community. There were death threats, bomb threats, and even the family dog was killed. This is feminism. This is the core of feminism- it was the feminist leaders that initiated this. It’s heartbreaking to see how Mrs. Pizzey, who used to be part of the 1970’s womens’ movement, was targeted by the very feminists who used to be her friends. Look into this link: https://honest-ribbon.org/domestic-violence-law/refuting-40-years-of-lies-about-domestic-violence/ .

        • You’re totally out of the premise of his post. In the first place, he wasn’t talking about actual rape. He was talking about instances wherein women false accusations of rape.

          His point was that while rape should be punished, so shall false accusations thereof. People should condemn both actual rapists and false accusers.

    • Actually no, chrisw. That which we call a rose, by any other name, would NOT smell as sweet. Feminists got this right in their critique of language. “Feminism” can never be about equality, by the principles of feminism itself. Feminism is about women. That’s why it’s called feminism.

    • Feminists indulge in discrimination against men. They shame basic human needs that are a right to each woman. I do not need to keep my maiden name if married to have an external reminder of who I am, that true knowledge should come from within.

    • The person who wrote this article is very misguided. Why is she redefining feminism. It is called feminism because women and men were not on the same level zve. Men were dominant so feminism came about in order to equal the score. Saying feminism is irrelevant is just like saying black empowerment is irrelevant

      • Thats where you’re wrong, feminists are looking to become dominant over men, evidence adds up to it, heck even some women’s job is to FIND problems that are slightly unfair and most of that is faked. Besides men and women are equal now its just women didn’t realise it would ever happen so are pretending they aren’t by looking into statistics and realising there is a 0.1 percent difference?!
        It’s like some black people (not being racist just giving an example thats why I used the word SOME)
        If a black person got shot by the police its considered racist but if a white person gets shot no-body cares.

        • Feminism is alot more than trying to champion womans rights over men, if to this day men are still making more money than women when they are on the same job grade, if a woman does exactly what a man does and is called out for it “because she is a woman” is why such a thing as feminism exists.

          That analogy is wrong btw. If a black unarmed person who is also part of a minority group is gunned down because of a percieved notion that black people are dangerous and no one is goes to jail for it that is where systematic rascism comes in.

      • Yes, women were not on the same level as men for a very long time, and that was horrible. But that was the past, femistits now seem to try and compensate for the past which now leads to overcompensation. Men are now getting discriminated against–just because they are men.

      • most women at the time were against suffrage. they’d chase canvassers off their property. after feminism, the size of government began growing out of control.

      • Feminists have been redefining themselves since the movement started. It started with clarity, 2nd wave also pretty clear, now there are so many subdivisions that women that call themselves “feminists” could have completely 2 different end goals and disagree on just about everything.

        How can you back “feminism” as a whole when everyone’s definition is different?

    • Then you are the problem and it’s sad you can’t see how feminism is only trying to “put men in their place” please give me one way FEMinism is for equality cause I have never seen one feminism rally trying to have men’s rights voiced, you are delusional and only cause more problems.

      • Then let a war start between both genders and see who wins trying too put men in our place good luck no man will bow before u and call it out. Men are eventually going too push back and it’s not going too be a good thing

      • My God are you that thicc??? You cannot try to champion men’s rights if they are the “superior” gender, in other words the gender that holds most of the government positions and make more money than women when doing the exact same job dont need anyone to champion their rights. Just like you cant champion white peoples rights because they are a majority-in the US.

      • The problem men have are mainly caused by other men. Men kill men as well as women and stands for a majority of serious crimes. I agree that there need to be a man movement, but maybe directed against male stereotypes and unrealistic expectations. Women has washed your dirty laundry long enough. time you guys took part in the clean up.

      • You make such a big deal about the word. Why is it that the word matters much more than the ambition behind it?
        If you still have a problem with this one word that prompts women to voice their rights, what is your justification for the terms ‘MANkind’, ‘huMAN’, possibly even ‘HIStory’? You know what the 4 words have in common? They all refer to not just men, not just women, not the transgendered, rather, ALL of us. How’s that for a healthy argument?

        • The words matter, the definitions matter, the meanings matter, but most of all, actions matter. The actions of feminists at large have utterly been contrary to what is being preached under their flag.

          The fact is – an average person is very much prone to think that feminism has a lot to do with women, and rightly so. I have yet to meet an average person who immediately thinks of a man when the word ‘history’ is uttered. It may well be the effect of persistent use, but it still remains the fact that any male connotation from such words has long been washed off.

          Feminism, in my worthless and insular opinion, is a crazy train rattling towards a certain precipice by denying plain and simple biological facts. Maybe there will be a smarter movement, because women certainly deserve one.

    • Feminism is a gendered word, if you want EQUALity to be represented by a gendered word, you have a seriously deep rooted issue that cannot be fixed or addressed by any amount of therapy or reading online forums about feminism and why it is still necessary….equality is about equality and feminism is about WOMENS RIGHTS, which have already existed in modern society for several decades..like the author of this lil anti feminism aritcle stated, feminism is only one side of the coin and these third wave feminists who do nothing but complain and represent a ridiculous theory that women are treated more unfairly than mean are in this country (US) need to wake the FUCK up and do something productive with their lives. theres extreme world poverty, corrupt governments, slave trades, the DOG MEAT TRADE IS A SENSITIVE ONE FOR ME, deforestation, etc…the problems facing women suck, but so do the problems facing men, and unlike third wave feminists, men and women around the world actually focus on the things i listed and a plethora of other issues facing the world and try to do something about them. i have a wonderful girlfriend who says she is a feminist but cannot accept, no matter how strong and convincing of an argument that i might make, that she is wrong…that is the very epitome of bigotry and arrogance..but i still love her…she is just confused and conflicted, passionate and empathetic, like all third wave feminists are.

      • Get rid mate, will only end badly. If she’s too bigoted to understand a reasoned argument then what good can come of it?

      • “Before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean.”

        This statement could be about not judging people but I choose to take it as a Fix your problems before you go around helping people. Its perhaps very selfish of me to say that, but you can’t try fixing problems if you dont work on your own. Complaining is only a part of getting a solution. Do you think black people just decided “today we’re gonna fight for our rights” they complained first, and worked out solutions.

      • Continue with your reading and you’ll see that if a man’s situation somewhere in the world is bad, the situation of the woman beside him will be way worse… but then you are probably more aware of the horrors of the dog meat trade than in the trade of women’s bodies for male consumption and profit. Just reading that you consider your girlfriend bigoted and arrogant just because she doesn’t agree with you… how typical male to assume that he’s right and she’s wrong and call her names in the process. You friend is an angel of patience put up with you. You’ve just argued against yourself, we still need feminism until you guys see through the misogynic thought and language patterns that are still ingrained in our culture.

        • “how typical male to assume that he’s right and she’s wrong and call her names in the process”

          Women get to stereotype males but males aren’t allowed to do the same? That’s equality?

          Also, he did not call her names, you just made yourself into a hypocrite.

    • Speak for yourself. A feminist called me “sexist” for being a men’s rights supporter.

      • just because someone claims to be a feminist, does not mean they are. if they’re acting in an in-egalitarian manner as pertains to gender, then they are not a feminist.

        misandrist / misogynist / sexist, take your pick.

        (too many posts here needing such a reply)

      • I would say you are sexist , however maybe I would go with idiotic, uneducated, ignorant. You can’t advocate for something you already have, sorry to break it to you.

    • Thats where you’re wrong, look at it.. people have turned feminism into a job and hunt for stuff slightly sexist or not sexist at all and put a twist on it to make it sound bad.
      Feminists want to become superior to men and there is no denying it anymore. All facts lead to it

    • actually it doesnt mean equality just because thats what they say it is if it meant equality feminists would also be fighting the the rights of males. for thing like paternity leave. and why do females get a quota in the workplace because to me that seems pretty empowering that some females are only being hired because they are in fact women maybe there should be something called equalism which is actually equality between men and women not this left wing bullshit that always plays the victim

    • Just want to say, actions do speak louder than words. And the way feminists are behaving right now, it dosen’t appear its a movement about equality anymore.

    • Go to google and search for the meaning of feminism. It defines advocating women’s rights. Both by definition and practice, feminism is all about defending women.

    • Don’t really agree with this, Masculism has never been about advocating the rights of one gender over another. Just because there is a ‘Mascul’ in the term Masculism doesn’t make it so, you can call it anything you want, it’s still means equality

    • It means equality until the bad things about being a man come around. When that happens all of the feminists disappear and don’t want to discuss the issue.

      • To be perfectly honest, men’s worse enemy are themselves… What about men doing their own dirty laundry for once and stop saying it’s the womens’ fault?

        • Sure, let men do stuff without the intervention of women. It’ll turn out pretty good, I’m sure.

        • I know many men who do their own laundry. I’m a man and I do my own laundry. If you feminists are so fed up with gender stereotypes, then why are you stereotyping men as slobs who blame women for everything? After reading a few of your comments, I have deducted that you are in fact both hypocritical and sexist. As long as people like yourself proclaim yourselves as feminists, feminism CANNOT mean equality, because you don’t represent equality. Stop wasting your time complaining about men not doing the laundry and give yourself a reality check. Women in the middle east are oppressed daily and in dire need of feminism. There is environmental destruction happening everywhere. Slave trade still exists. Go tackle some real problems instead of sputtering bullshit like this, stuff that doesn’t even true anymore. This is coming from an egalitarian.

    • I’m seriously confused how a term, which has obvious sexual bias built into it can be about equality. That idea severely conflicts with itself.

      • I truly don’t understand if people who use this argument are actually stupid or if they are trying to grasp at straws, every time I see someone say this I ask myself this question.

    • Nice opinion, but as a male and from my perspective, this is insanely incorrect.
      There is plenty of blatant misandry floating around on the internet and in real life.

      Modern day feminism is essentially misandry.
      There was even a huge feminism twitter group recently posting some statistics about women having way more than men in something & they were posting saying it was a victory for feminism. How is it a victory to have more than males if feminism is about equality?

      I see the hate from feminists. I can understand how you wouldn’t see it or feel impacted by it, it’s not directed to you & you obviously side with the people who support modern day feminists.

    • feminism isn’t equality it’s about female superiority and empowerment also known as inequality at the polar opposite of past centuries.

    • Actions speak louder than words. The dictionary definition of third wave feminism may be ‘equality,’ however the actions of the feminism movement do not equally reflect the various issues that men face along with the issues that women face.

    • No it doesn’t, not at all. Telling men that they are inferior, finding random things to complain about, apparently air conditioning is sexist. While women under Islam can get stoned to death for being raped. Believing women and minorities deserve awards simply because of if they boobs or their skin isn’t white. It’s stupid, me and every other well meaning individual sees a person. I don’t judge you based on your skin color, you sexual orientation, your religion, or your gender. I judge your character. Feminism sees nothing past you skin or your genitals. Nearly everything they complain about is made up bullshit and completely demeans women who live under actual oppression. (Islam!) Feminsm should’ve died a long time ago.

    • Feminism started as a movement for equal rights of both genders. But, there is no denying that these days, women have been only trying to overpower themselves with feminism. Think for yourself. If a man indulges in domestic violence against a woman, then everybody comes to her aid. But, if a woman does the same, she is seen as a brave independent woman. Why so? Both of them did wrong. A man is guilty unless proven otherwise but a woman is innocent unless proven guilty. Give that a thought.

    • Then why not call yourselves equalisists since it’s about gender equality. If you insist on saying being feminist is about equality can I not say being masculinist is also about equality

    • Which is why they don’t build men’s shelters, they are perfectly okay with men having higher suicide rates and higher homicide rates because it happens by other men, they have no problems with women being first on lifeboats, or only men being drafted, or men having no parental rights, that’s why they condone female on male violence with comments like “you go girl” and “he deserves it because men have been doing it to women for years”, that’s why they post hashtags like killallmen, and why they tell men that they can’t be abused/sexually assaulted/raped because they are a man, and why men despite being able to get breast cancer are ineligible for any aid because they aren’t a woman. All feminists do is use stories of women in third countries as an “excuse” to complain about air conditioning.

    • All I am going to say on the matter is once you get equality feminists that are still not happy will be spoiled children not getting their way but like I have said on many of the post you will be getting the positive in the negative let that sink in for a minute women will be no longer safe from the draft in the army whenever a ship goes down or someone needs help they will be saving the children first and then whoever else you not be looked at as weaklings you be looked at as strength just like the men if there’s something wrong with you which means you can’t use that as an excuse a pipe or an excuse to get what you want you have to suck it up and do what you have to to survive and on a bigger note when it becomes time for family women you have to look forward into paying child support if you have to get two or more jobs the court system will not look at you and saying all your week what was you know they get a damn job so I am with equality oh in the fact that there is now equality means that if a female starts a fight with a man we both go to jail cuz we’re disturbing the peace it’s not oh you can’t hit a female know there’s equality so now I can hit the female and the bigger picture if men can now just sit at home and be the caretakers and a woman go to work and become the breadwinners you nail get the same equal rights you can play football with the men they’ll be no more of the women’s sports and the men Sports it’ll just be Sports you’ll have to find a way to merge the NBA with the WNBA just saying a lot of the stuff that’s made just for women won’t be just for women it’ll be for both of us so please bring the equality on I’m begging you

    • No, the word “equality” means equality. The word choice DOES matter. What if I call myself a whiteist, and say whiteism is about racial equality? Does that sound good?

  2. As a young man, all I can say, is that this is so very true. I’ve had a hard time ignoring the contradictions off feminism. At one point it almost made me angry at all women for blindly following feminism just because of what some bad men did to them etc. I’m glad I was patient to discover that not all women is like that.

    I don’t see a women as inferior, just different in her role in life, her way of expression and doing things base on her natural female qualities.

    If a women let a man be a man and bring the best out in him, it becomes so much easier for a lot of men to sweep a women of her feet. But if men feel threaten and treated like they the cause of all the wrongs in this world for no other reason then being a male, it just angers them, it did for me. I know a lot of us men find it hard to treat a women like a women if she a hell bend on trying to act like a man and doing all things we do.

    How can a women expect to be seen as a women, but behave like the opposite gender? It’s a turn off for most men.

    We all put up with the feministic demands, trying not to land ourselfs in hot water. I just avoid those kinda women whenever I can.

    But this website is nice, we need more inform, educated, confident and kind women like yourselfs.

    Thanks. 🙂

  3. Every movement starts with seeing what is, a vision for what can be and a few who will carry that movement on their shoulders in the name of others, who will not. The irony is in labeling that segment of the population; every movement will lose its way and, in time, invite both criticism and a backlash. Part of the reason for this is we tend to think our movements can only deliver good unto society either ignore, overlook or haven’t the ability to understand we are all interconnected in ways that any change will affect us all in some way or another. Much as we wish to think and believe we are individuals and how we wish to lead our own individual lives will have no affect on the lives of others certainly is an interesting cultural ideology of the ‘new world’, if not the west in general. We ignore the group, the impact of individuals of the group and tend to make such goals, as equality and fairness (I truly cannot envision such a world is possible and feel we can only get closer to it if we all give up what we hold most dear in striving for our personal goals without regard for the group first). It does indeed fascinate me that many of the cultures we hold up as most desirable, usually aboriginal cultures, were not built around the individual but required of the individual to exist for the group first and here we are seeking divisions within our group in order to seek more for that subsection of the larger group.
    If we really wanted to get as close as we can to the idea of equality, we would each have to first give up our separate ideals as to how the world should be and come to a common understanding of that world and then work together for the attainment of that goal seeing beyond the surface of skin color and gender. We make it perhaps more difficult in now viewing equality and fairness based on those electrical impulses within our heads and data sitting upon our chromosomes will cause us to behave and want existentially.

    Perhaps it best to understand our struggle as a species will go well beyond our lives to the day we cease to exist as a species. Meanwhile, in demanding that others give up their dreams and desires so that we may live ours will take us closer and closer to losing all the glory and beauty of what it is to be human. Perhaps we should not forget what we are and, along the way as we struggle with and against each other, that we are pretty special as we are and celebrate that in the short breathe we take before continuing on with our battle against each other.

    I am but a being, delivered as I am to this world a man, equipped with tools to perceive that part of the world my eyes, ears, nose, mouth and fingertips allow of me, preprogramed to make my ways as best I can until I slowly learn my environment within which I will act and react seeking happiness or at least to avoid the pain I will surely feel. We will bump into each other and hopefully we will make this place more endurable than it might be should we be alone. Let’s hope we are willing to accept ourselves in order that we may find the strength to give enough of ourselves to each other so that we may be of help to each other such that when we leave, during that last breathe we can give thanks that at least we had a friend while we were here without concern as to who may or may not have been on top or bottom at any given time.

    If we owe anything to ourselves, it is to free others so that we may be freed by them.

  4. It is rather refreshing to know that there are women who advocate for equality and not superiority. Thank you for seeing what feminists have ignored for so many years.

    • Check out HeForShe on YouTube and watch a couple interviews, I think you might find them eye opening, becsue feminism is not exclusive.

  5. It must suck so hard to have no idea what you are talking about. I truly hope someone is able to educate you soon…

    • Yeah he should be educated! do you realize how funny your statement is? feminists always say that, when somebody disagrees with them. But it is a persons good right to disagree with something, which includes disagreeing with feminism. you always talk about your movement like it contains all the truth about how society works, while it is just based upon a sociologist theory. you are just about the most intolerant political movement out there, and for the sake of democracy and free speech and freedom overall i hope that your movement will vanish from the face of our planet for the wellbeing of all, be it women or men or anyone in between

    • Actually this is relatable to all men. You simply put down every man who even tries to argue with you. sure women in the past and even some nowadays are very mistreated but that’s not every man! Because i have never once mistreated a woman and i don’t think i am above them. The first waves of feminism made sense! Now women can vote and join the military but modern day feminism is all about complaining about the other gender! You say you’re for equality but that was old feminism, equality is have everyone have the same rights. Which feminists are not.

  6. Feminism is not about equality anymore it’s especially in this generation it’s just about doing something stupid then using the excuse “but guys do it” “so I can’t do this because I’m a women” “I’m so oppressed” like not everyone in the world can be 100% equal because (believe it or not ) MEN and WOMEN are different hell people in America are different filled with DIFFERENT kinds of people so your telling me we shouldn’t just expect people are different and not everyone can live life by a straight line

  7. I identify as a modern feminist. Allow me to tell you why. I was raised in a strict Christian household where traditional roles were implemented. My father was the provider and protector of the home followed by my three older brothers. Early on I was un fazed by this dynamic but over time my perception was altered. At the age of ten I questioned my father and brothers about their strict role as providers. I was very appreciative of all they had done for me but I wanted to contribute to the family dynamic.
    I credit my self-worth to my feminist beliefs. Like you, I “am smart, independent, strong, competent, and confident.” I admire your confidence and believe that every woman is entitled to identify herself with positive traits such as these. I agree with you on that, but I disagree with you stating that a movement is not necessary. The message of gender equality is important and the message is one that must be heard.
    I respectfully refute your claim that “feminism is NOT about equality.” I believe in the gender equality movement. Yes, I have encountered outrageous “feminists” who belittle men, but because they do, they a